I ❤️ simplicity.
Imagine your shower having only a single bar of soap in it. That's it. One bar of soap to wash your body, face, hair and to lather up for shaving. Crazy? Nope.
The recipes I use for my Goat's Milk Bar Soap and Beer Based Shampoo Bars are unique and designed to meet the individual needs of specific areas of the body. However, they are both cleansing, gentle and lather well, so one bar may be all you need!
Here's a quick comparison between the two types of bars:
Goat's Milk Bar Soap (for face & body)
More moisturizing
More gentle and soothing on skin
A somewhat softer bar (won't last quite as long as the Shampoo Bars)
Goat's milk based for the extra moisturizing and soothing properties
More variety of scents available
Beer Based Shampoo Bars (for all hair types)
Less moisturizing
Will give you more lather
A somewhat harder bar (will last longer than the Goat's Milk Bars)
Beer based for the beneficial properties for hair, which are also beneficial for skin
All essential oils used for scents have beneficial qualities for hair and/or skin
Everyone's body care rhythms and needs vary. If you have long hair and need conditioner, you'd probably need something separate for this (have you ever considered an apple cider vinegar rinse? It can be very conditioning!). Or if you have sensitive dry skin but tend to have oily hair, using both kinds of bars would most likely work best. But maybe one bar of soap is actually all you need. Why not give it a try!
(As always, other than links to my own products, the links included in this post will bring you to more information, not where to buy a product.)
